Words: declaration, assignment, unary operator, binary operator, primitive types
This is how you declare and use variables.
a := 5 // declaration
c := a - 9
c = 2 * b // reassign a value to a variable, note the sole '=' without the ':'
NOTE: Semi-colon ';' is used to separate statements (like variable assignments/declarations) but it is optional. There is ambiguity in the syntax where semi-colon is required, multiplication and dereference for example.
12 := 3 + 9 // addition
3 := 5 - 2 // subtraction
18 := 9 * 2 // multiplication
12 := 25 / 2 // integer division
1 := 6 % 5 // modulo
The language is typed which means that every variable has a type. A type describes the kind of data that is stored in a variable and it's size. These are the primitive types:
Signed integers:
Unsigned integers:
Word integers:
Decimal/floating point numbers:
Function pointers:
The type of a variable can be specified between the colon and equal sign. Otherwise, the type is infered from the expression.
num0: i32 = 23
num1: f32 = 96.5
final := num0 + num1 // type of final is infered from the expression
chr: char = 'A'
yes: bool = true
NOTE: uword/iword is an alias for the specific integer type and will show up as i64 instead of iword in error messages.
Literals refer to the constant numbers, strings, and floats in the code. Most (or all) literals use the 32-bit variation when available.
a := 9241 // signed integer literal
a = 9241s // signed integer literal
a = 9241u // unsigned integer literal
a = 0x92_39 // integer literal but hexidecimal form
a = 0b1_0110_0101 // integer literal but binary form
// underscore can be used to separate the digits/hexidecimals/bits making it easier to grasp their value
f := 3.144 // float literal
f := 3.144d // 64-bit float literal
chr: char = 'K' // character literal
str: char[] = "My string" // string literal, more about how to use strings further below
The language has pointers like C/C++.
a: i32 = 82;
ptr: i32* = &a; // take a pointer to a variable
value: i32 = *ptr; // dereference the pointer to get the value at the pointer's address
#import "Memory" // imports the 'Allocate' function, functions and imports are covered in another chapter.
#import "Logger" // imports the 'log' macro which prints stuff to the terminal, macros are covered in another chapter.
slice: i32[];
slice.len = 4
slice.ptr = Allocate(slice.len * sizeof i32)
slice[0] = 23
slice[2] = 2
log(slice[0] + slice[2]) // prints 25
// Since *Slice* is a struct you can also write it like this:
// But you don't have to because of operator overloading and
// the fact that the compiler converts i32[] to Slice<i32>.
slice: Slice<i32>;
/* ... */
slice.ptr[0] = 23
slice.ptr[2] = 2
log(slice.ptr[0] + slice.ptr[2]) // prints 25
NOTE: Similarly to Slice, there is also a Range struct which consists of two integers representing the start and end (exclusive) of a range. This becomes relevant with for loops covered in a different chapter.
It is also possible to define arrays on the stack or in a struct. An array on the stack consists of two parts, the slice and the raw elements. Arrays in structs are a little more special, see chapter about structs for more information.
NOTE: Definining global arrays is not supported yet.
ints: i32[20]; // zero initialized array on stack
ints: i32[20] { 3, 8, 4 }; // initialize with values
// the type of 'ints' is Slice<i32>
ints: i32[] { 3, 8, 4 }; // array length based on number of expressions
// Arrays have a pointer and a length
ints.ptr[0] // first element from the pointer
ints[0] // first element using a predefined operator overload for Slices
// inst.ptr must be used when setting the value of an element (operator overload for it doesn't exist yet)
ints.ptr[ints.len - 1] = 239; // set last element
The language has pointer arithmetic which means that you can perform add and subtract operations on
pointers with integers. The difference from C/C++ is that there is no automatic scaling. Adding 3 to a 32-bit integer pointer will not scale it up to 12.
arr: i32[10];
*(arr.ptr + (arr.len-1) * sizeof(i32)) = 92 // set the value of the last element
// Note that you would use the index operator for things like this.
arr.ptr[arr.len-1] = 92
NOTE: In the future, not having the automatic scaling may be a nuisance and thus could change. The reason we don't is because we want pointer arithmetic on
There is not a primitive type for strings. The character slice (char[]) is used for string views and StringBuilder for transforming a string.
// char slice when passing strings to functions
str: char[] = "String";
str[str.len - 1] // access last character which is 'g'
// StringBuilder when creating and appending strings and numbers
#import "String"
string: StringBuilder
string.append("Hello, I have")
item := "cookies"
// There is also a convenient macro to avoid repeating yourself
msg: StringBuilder
appends(msg, "This is the string: ", string)
Quotes and backslash in literal strings are special.
// quotes in string
s0 := "Hello \"cat\" and \'dog\'"
// special characters
s1 := "newline: \n"
s2 := "tab: \t"
s3 := "carriage return: \r"
s4 := "null char: \0"
s5 := "escape char: \e"
s6 := "backslash: \\"
// hexidecimal
s7 := "hex: \x1f" // escape character
s8 := "hex: \x00" // null character
s9 := "hex: \x20" // space character
sa := "hex: \x41" // 'A'
There is also a text block which puts the exact characters into the text literal. Backslash and quotes do not require escaping with a backslash.
text := @strbeg
Hello "cat" and 'dog'. Backslash \x23 does not do anything.
Newline is handled correctly.
Words: bitwise operator, comparison/equality operator, logical operator
11 = 9 | 3 (bitwise or)
1 = 9 & 3 (bitwise and)
10 = 9 ^ 3 (bitwise xor)
true = 4 < 9 (less than)
true = 9 <= 9 (less or equal than)
false = 4 > 9 (less than)
true = 9 >= 9 (less than)
false = 4 == 9 (is equal)
true = 4 != 9 (is not equal)
false = true && false (logical and)
true = 4 < 9 && 5 != 9
true = false || true (logical or)
TODO: Pointer, integer, decimal conversion TODO: More information about casting
n: i32 = 5
f: f32 = n // n is implicitly casted to float
f := cast<f32> n // explicit cast to float
i: i32*;
f: f32* = i // you cannot implicitly cast pointers of different types
f: void* = i // unless you are converting to void
f: f32* = cast<f32*> i // forcefully cast the pointer type
The language makes it slightly more difficult to create unintentional bugs when mismatching unsigned and signed integers of various sizes but it is important to note that operations that can cause integer overflow and underflow should be treated with care.
There is also the issue of converting large integers to small integers where you lose data. Converting small integers to large integers is fine but sometimes you may write something like this:
a: u8 = 5
b: u32 = a << 16
// shifting an 8-bit integer 16 bits will always result in 0, b will not be 0x5_0000
b: u32 = cast<u32> a << 16 // you must cast 'a' first